In the Field
In the Field
This photo was taken inside a 5 man tent behind HQ track. Fall or Winter, heater setup and supply of beer and candles are in place. Simmons is reading a book while Richardson is thinking about going home.
Headquarters track with us in front
June of 1966, HQ track set up in tree line
Big tent before the windstorm hit. Left to right Adams, West, Kennedy and unknown. This was at Graf.
M-109 155mm Self Propelled Howitzers of the 6th Field Arty
Hohenfels, June '66 my first field trip. Ron York from Ohio in the tent. Carl Erickson commented that in his time they
never set up tents, but wrapped them around our sleeping bags. Jim Chorazy added: Same thing for me as Carl said — we always slept without tents — we would wrap ourselves in the shelter half . . . sometimes we'd fool with blowing up the air mattresses, other times not — the more time you fooled with trying to blow up the air mattress the less time you had to sleep (& besides, we'd all seen where a guy had puffed away on filling up his mattress & a half hour or so later we'd get the call to move out). Because it was so dark in Comrade's forest we would fumble around trying to get in the sleeping bag (& that was challenge enough, much less blowing up an air mattress).