12th Engineer Battalion
12th Engineer Battalion
“Dual Primed”
“Dual Prime – Never Fails!”
(Anderson Barracks, Dexheim, Germany)
Also includes roster for TF 33d Engineers (Provisional)
“Task Force Thunder Echo”
“Semper Gumby”
The 12th Engineer Battalion deployed to Southwest Asia from Dexheim, Germany. The main body of the battalion arrived in Saudi Arabia between 17 and 19 January 1991, and remained until 19 May 1991. This battalion was originally organic to the 8th Infantry Division as the division engineer battalion but deployed in Support of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm as part of the 3d Armored Division.
The 12th Engineer Battalion supported the Ready First Combat Team during the Desert Storm ground offensive. Additionally, two companies and some headquarters personnel were used to form the provisional Task Force 33d Engineers in direct support of 3d Brigade. Additional explanation of engineer task organization in 3AD can be found on the homepage of this Engineer Brigade section.
For the most part, the roster below for the 12th Engineer Battalion is empty. Any input would be greatly appreciated. If you can add or correct any information, please send an email to the content point-of-contact at the bottom of this page.
12 Engineer Battalion farewell ceremony prior to deploying to the Gulf with MG Otjen (8th ID Commander) and BG Dickie (Assistant Division Commander 8th ID)
Soldiers of 2d Platoon, Bravo Company, 12th Engineer Battalion with Iraqi prisoners-of-war during ground offensive operations
Roster Directory:
Battalion Headquarters and Staff
Headquarters and Headquarters Company
Float Bridge Company – This company did not deploy to Southwest Asia. It remained at home station as the rear detachment.