4-34 Armor

4th Battalion, 34th Armor 

4th Battalion, 34th Armor
“Soldier Hard…!”

(Lee Barracks, Mainz, Germany)

The 4th Battalion, 34th Armor, organic to the 8th Infantry Division (8ID), deployed with the Ready First Combat Team from Mainz, Germany.  Because 4-34 Armor was in the process of inactivating at the time it received deployment orders, it was under strength.   To make up some of these shortages, individual soldiers and entire platoons were added from 1-68 Armor.  1-68 Armor was part of 8th ID “forward” at Wildflecken, Germany, and was also going through inactivation at the time (some 1-68 AR platoons served elsewhere in the brigade and division).  The main body of the battalion arrived in Saudi Arabia on 4 January 1991, and remained until 20 May 1991. Upon returning to Germany, the battalion deactivated. This battalion was the only maneuver-type unit at the command & control level to deploy from 8 ID. Much of the roster below is empty, and any input would be greatly appreciated. There are many photos linked to the company though. If you know something about Delta Company, take a look at the photos linked to positions and see if you can put a name to a face. If you can do this or add any other information, please see the bottom of this page for contact information.

Roster Directory:

Battalion Headquarters and Staff

Headquarters and Headquarters Company

A Company

B Company

C Company

D Company

Battalion Fire Support Element and Company Fire Support Teams (attached from 2-3 FA)

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