Ed Lomongo

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Here I am on a recon mission 
overlooking Budingen, which was 
a medieval town north-west of Gelnhausen. 




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Hohenfels for training in the summer.  We were taught 
not to leave our tracks (Armored Personnel Carrier M-113) 
in the open where they could be seen, but to park them 
under the tree line as shown below.





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We were all intrigued by the gatling gun mounted on this track







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…..and in the winter Grafenwehr.   I am on the left and in the middle is Spc. Masscotte  who is wearing the cold weather face mask issued to drivers and track commanders to keep their face from getting frostbite in the ice cold winter breeze as vehicles moved.   At Graf the temperature could drop to as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit! Oh yeah! the one on the right is Sgt. Ruiz is my squad leader.  Here are some other photos from Graf.




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Field day back at the kaserne
Field Day  was like an open house with a cook-out outside the barracks. The entire barracks were opened to a general inspection from the 1st Sgt. and C.O. In addition, family, dependents, and friends were allowed to look in the troopers rooms and whoever get the best room would get a day off.  After the company formation inspection we would be released, while family, dependents, and friends are checking out the barracks.  Family , dependents, friends were all invited to the cookout too.

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 BBQ grills and tables were set up outside the barracks.  It sure beat the mess hall! The one on the barbecue grill, I think that was my Platoon Leader SFC. Kidd.  I am in the 3rd picture from the left in the light blue shirt.

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Berlin In 1977 Sgt Koen who was from South Dakota.  
                          We went to Berlin together 






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Standing beside the jeep is our company XO, I forgot his name.