Wayne Hoener
Wayne Hoener
Wayne entered the army in December of 1963. He took basic at Ft. Leonard Wood and AIT at Ft. Dix. He sailed to Germany on a troop transport in May of 1964. After about a year in C Company 1/48 as the driver of M-113 C-13, he was assigned to Hq S-3. By March of 1966 he was a Sergeant E-5 in S-3 Section. These are his photos; thanks Wayne for sharing.
On post in Gelnhausen:
Wayne's M-113 # C-13 and Battalion Headquarters Building
his panorama from the motor pool was taken in 4 pictures by Wayne from the TC hatch of M577 #23.
They were stitched together by Jim Chorazy.
Hoehenfels in the winter of 1966:
Hoehenfels in the summer
Watching a practice air strike: F-100 Super Saber F-105 Thunderchief F-101 Voodoo
M-60's on maneuvers and Dennis Kusatani from Hawaii with his camera.
York, Kennedy, and West