Stone photos
Stone photos
Ronald G. Stone photos from his 48th Infantry days in Worms, Germany.
Graf April 1961. Left to right: Coble, White, Sharder and Sears.
WWll Bunker in Graf.
Wintershild ll in and around Graf, Feb. ’61. Pfc Stone washing up after many days without a bath.
48th Infantry motor pool in Worms.
Worms motor pool, left to right: Stone, Spring, Shrader, Sears and Taheny.
Worms ammo dump. Pvt.Stone April 1960. A day of detail unloading many trucks and many cases of ammo.
We are sitting on the upper deck at a boathouse on the Rhine. This was a bar/dance hall permanently tied up on the river. Left to right: Pvt.Benjamin Macintyre and Spec.4 Ronald Stone. We went to High School together in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.
Graf April 1961. Pfc Stone’s Jeep HQ33-that’s me trying to dig out. It took two VTR’s to get this out. Due to mud on the hillside the first kept winching itself down the hill without moving the Jeep. So a second one went on the other side of the hill and hooked onto the first.
Sgt. Camacho congratulating Spec. Stoney on a promotion to Sgt. Chevrons in his hand.