2-67 Armor Rosters
Past & Present
The Iron Dukes have a proud tradition of service to our country with the 3rd Armored Division & currently with the 1st Armored Division. The U.S. Army in all of its wisdom continues to change the Regimental Affiliation of the Iron Dukes. We have changed from the 32nd Armor to 67th Armor to the current 37th Armor. For those us that have served in the Iron Dukes the feeling is "Once a Duke Always a Duke". We all have memories & positive feelings of our time in the Iron Duke Tank Battalion serving in Ray Barracks, Friedberg, Germany.
These links provide a way for all Iron Dukes past & present to see what is going on with our Tank Battalion.
Email Contact List
Name | Year | Address |
Charles Wallace | Scout 90 92 | jcwallyp@juno.com |
Kenneth Hills | Sup Plt DS | kennethhi@debitel.net |
Brian Goodknight | 86-89 | bkgood@theremc.com |
Tim Williams | Mor Plt 87-90 | tim.williams@attbi.com |
Mike Benson | S-2 87-91 | mike@thebensons.org |
Jim Bierwirth | S-3 | By Request |
Brad Gericke | S-1 | By Request |
Jim Marshall | Scout | By Request |
Hector Guerrero | hguerrero@Actvison.com | |
David Knack | Bn XO | By Request |
Daniel Merritt | Bn CO | By Request |
Kelly Fisk | HHC Co | By Request |
Jon Pennington | Medic's | apollo15@swbell.net |
Jimmy Nugent | Scout 87 89 | reconscout@hotmail.com |
Royal Downs | HHC XO | romabbl@earthlink.net |
Tommy Carico | 89-90 | tjtexas0626@aol.com |
Frank Valencia | 91-93 | choopy@taos.kitcarson.com |
Pierre E Pelletier Jr. | Recon 68-69 2 AD | Muf239@cs.com |
Jonathan McFarland | Maint 86-92 | wrench1@mindspring.com |
Keith Sabol | S-3 87-91 | sabolkj@stargate.net |
Faron Rutherford | Scout 88-92 | FRutherford@T-online.de |
Mark Gifford | Medics 87-88 89-90 | By Request |
Chris Johnson | Sup Plt 90-92 | CJohnson@hunton.com |
Randal Fry | 89-92 | randyfry@msn.net |
Mark Owens | DS Maint D co | sidekick39@hotmail.com |
Tim Berry | 88-91 Maint D co | TIM.BERRY@SE.USAR.ARMY.MIL |
Calvin Simmons | 86-87 | sim@cableone.net |
Harold Logan | 89-90 S-3 | Loganharold@hotmail.com |
Tony Collins | 86-87 S-3 | tigerc@hotmail.com |
Spence Cowan | 89-91 Scout-BMO | Cowan@sccompanies.com |
Lupe Huaracha | 89-93 | apachelup@yahoo.com |
Kevin Montgomery | 90-92 Medics | Kev254@excite.com |
Wayne Lowe | 89-91 S-3 | carl.wayne.lowe@cox.net |
Steven Broughton | 90-92 Maint C co | ksbroughton@aol.com |
Scot Silcox | 89-92 | stormvet6@att.net |
Randy Kuykendoll | DS | kirkret@aol.com |
Mike McLaughlin | 89-91 | cripmm@yahoo.com |
Jim Mento | 86 S-1 | Victoryordeath32@aol.com |
David Boxley | 86-89 Scouts | boxman34@juno.com |
Fred Taylor | 86-87 | fredtaylor10@cs.com |
Jeff Thompson | 86-91 | tommytanker@usa.com |
Raymond Stewart | 88-92 | rstewart11@cox.net |
Stickney, Ben |
02/86-07/89 |
Mike Berge | 88-90 CSM | csm9b@hotmail.com |
Charlie Sanabria | Medic | r.sanabria@worldnet.att.net |
Dan Johnson | 86-89 Medic-Scout | ORBadBoy@aol.com |
Steve Broughtpn | 90-92 C co Maint Team | sdb9192@sbcglobal.net |
Mark Whipkey | 90-92 HQ-66 gunner | markwhipkey@charter.net |
Sean Blackwell | 86-88 | SeanB34@msn.com |
Steven Doin | 86-91 | volvo4me@nycap.rr.com |
Parry Sands | 87-91 | psands@sands.ws |
Jeff Marier | 86-89 Sup Plt | jamarier@comcast.net |
Eddie Ray | 86-87 | eddieray@lycos.com |
R. Christion Brewer | FSO, 9/1991-5/1992 | r.c.brewer@us.army.mil |
Eduardo E. Lozano | 95 Recovery Section | elozano@deltacartrade.com |
Kurt Carlson | 90-93 | kc7jc20@aol.com |
A Co
Name | Year | Address |
Ron Bayhi | 87-89 | bama_1986@yahoo.com |
Brian Goodknight | 86-89 | bkgood@theremc.com |
Brad Shaw | 89 -92 | bshaw@nabors.com |
Brad Gericke | 88-91 | By Request |
Rich Bourgault | 86-88 | Rbourgault@aol.com |
Scott Godby | 91-94 | godbyfam@earthlink.net |
Kreg Mosier | DS | kmosier@sfasu.edu |
Chris Nuels | 89-95 | DRAGION@AOL.COM |
Shane McDaniel | 87-90 | emeraldislegod@yahoo.com |
Lupe Huaracha | 89-93 | apachelup@yahoo.com |
Mike Montgomery | 1981-91 | montgomm@yahoo.com |
Khamnou Somsavath | DS | joe.k.somsavath@mail.sprint.com |
Mark Tomor | DS Loader A13 | tomorme |
Travis Gardiner | 91-93 |
Tim Brown | 86-89 | Armorcmdr@hotmail.com |
Don Fulton | 90-93 | tanker8@cox.net |
Joey Caldejon | 86-92 | jcaldejon@hotmail.com |
Don Fulton | 90-93 | tanker8@cox.net |
Justin Conroy | 90-92 | just@cox.net |
B Co
Name | Year | Address |
Paul Hevland | 87-88 | phevland@usa.com |
Jim Marshall | 87-90 | By Request |
Steven Allmon | 89-91 | webmaster@armedofficers.com |
Kevin Colson | 85-89 | b2673ad@bellsouth.net |
Keith Sabol | 87-91 | sabolkj@stargate.net |
Chris Johnson | 90-92 | CJohnson@hunton.com |
Michael McLaughlin | cripmm@yahoo.com | |
James Bryant | 86-88 | bhb6@popmail.netmcr.com |
Henry Hill | 88-91 | |
Bobby Butler | 88-90 | B4ARMY@aol.com |
Peter Stone | 87-89 | pete.stone@mortgage.wellsfargo.com |
Joe Herdade | 86-87 | By request |
Almondo Markham | 90-93 | almondo@hotmail.com |
Carl Pearson | 88-91 | CARLPEAR@KVNET.ORG |
James Journey | 84-90 | journeypetra@hotmail.com |
Jeff Thompson | 91-92 | tommytanker@usa.com |
Broustan Hale | 86-89 | Brouston@aol.com |
Mike Dieckmann | 1981-92 | mastergunner648@hotmail.com |
Craig Fisher | 91-93 | michaela-craig@t-online.de |
Larry Lawhorn | 84-92 | lklawhon@hotmail.com |
Eddie Ray | 86-87 | eddieray@lycos.com |
Bill Purcell | 88-91 | billpurcell1@homail.com |
C Co
Name | Year | Address |
Max Witzler | 90 91 | SHAWNEEAIR@aol.com |
Mike Benson | 87-91 | mike@thebensons.org |
Ernest Coleman | 87-91 | colemane@leavenworth.army.mil |
Dan Shrimpton | 88-91 | By Request |
Steve Bailey | 87-92 | stephen_bailey@mailcity.com |
Spence Cowan | 88-89 | Cowan@sccompanies.com |
Paul Walters | 87-92 | waltersy@hotmail.com |
Wayne Lowe | 91-92 | carl.wayne.lowe@cox.net |
John Budd | 90-91 | abrams12@hotmail.com |
Brian Haddix | 85-92 | cbhaddix@yahoo.com |
Ervin Suida | 88-91 | dpwerv@myvine.com |
Craig Fischer | DS-93 | michaela-craig@t-online.de |
John Landis | 73-76 2 AD | nh3jl@aol.com |
Gary Rimpley | 81-86 | rimpleygd@cmtymail.98asg.army.mil |
Mike Meinhardt | 89-92 | mimeinha@cisco.com |
Mark Whipkey | 84-90 | markwhipkey@charter.net |
Jeff Lytle | DS | jeffrey.lytle@us.army.mil |
Shiraz Khan | 90-92 | GOCUBS@INSIGHTBB.COM |
D Co
Name | Year | Address |
Tim Williams | 87-88 | tim.williams@attbi.com |
Jeff Lamb | 87-88 | julamb@msm.com |
Kelly Fisk | 87-91 | By Request |
Royal Downs | 88-91 | romabbl@earthlink.net |
John Robertson III | 91-94 | jowrober@hotmail.com |
Thomas Schulein | 87-91 | Tom1960@hotmail.com |
Ralph Vargas | 90-91 | Vargasdr@aol.com |
Patrick Daniel | 90-91 | danielp@theriver.com |
John Hubert | 90-91 | jthubert@juno.com |
Lupe Huaracha | 89-93 | apachelup@yahoo.com |
George Vassos | 85-87 | chochev2@yahoo.com |
Mike McLaughlin | 89-91 | cripmm@yahoo.com |
Brian Dean | 91-94 | SGT_DEAN2001@YAHOO.COM |
Scott Flatford | 89-94 | SFLAT24IU@AOL.COM |
Steve Barton | 86-88 | ejhssbarton2002@yahoo.com |
Gary Schaeffer | 88-90 | HGS608@webtv.net |
Chris Warden | 88-91 | MrchrisW@webtv.net |
Alfredo Pacheco | 87-91 | alfredop_1999@yahoo.com |
John Gale | 87-90 | jerzdev95@verizon.net |
Mike Purvis | 90-92 | eibonscroll@yahoo.com |