3-36 Infantry Photos
3d Battalion, 36th Infantry
This page is dedicated to the photo’s of the 3d Battalion, 36th Infantry Regiment and its veterans. If you have photo’s to contribute to this page, please contact the webmaster: Robert Briggs briggsupland@aol.com
Name | Unit Year | Email Address |
Steve Borts | HHC & C 75 -78 | Fambor@aol.com |
Jeff Edgecomb | D co 86-88 | jedge1@mediaone.net |
Joe Schairer | D co 86-88 | jschairer@stl-inc.com |
John Marshell | 3-36 (Davie Crocket Section) | marshalljohnr@bellsouth.net |
Dave Smith | 3/36 1963 (DC Section) | davesmithphotos@aol.com |