3-36 Infantry Diaries
3d Battalion, 36th Infantry
Personal Diaries
This page is dedicated to the memories and stories of the 3d Battalion, 36th Infantry Regiment and its veterans. If you have content to contribute to this page, please contact the webmaster Robert Briggs briggsupland@aol.com
David Smith HHC 1964-66
Remember how the mess hall was almost out of silverware. We would wait for a new rack from the dishwasher only to find something like 20 knives, 3 spoons and 1 fork. It seems that some of the silverware was thrown out with the eatable garbage. It got to the point we had emersion heaters set up outside and we brought our utensils from out mess kits and washed them there just like in the field. Then there was a guy on the third floor that went home on leave and brought back a round doorknob and installed it on the door to the platoon bay and a lot of us went there just to turn the doorknob.