In Memory of the 4-32 AR Soldiers
Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice
PFC Adrian Leonard Stokes
SSG Roy Junior Summerall
SSG Christoher Stephens
Why Do Good Guys Have to Die
While wells of oil burn in flame
The distant glow just isn’t the same
It once was fun to stare afar
And wish upon our favorite star
But now that star could be an eye
A friend, a man, a special guy
We knew this man from moments past
But then we thought the times would last
We came so far on dreams alone
And prayed our prayers of going home
We fought each mile gaining ground
And never once backing down
Through wind, rain, and enemy fire
The coalition refused to tire
We gave up sleep and meals too
For most of us we made it through
We learned that war is not a game
And never seems to fight the same
We also learned you hunker down
And when it’s over watch your ground
We thought it was safe to wander stray
But now our friend has passed away
Why do good guys have to die?
I have no answer, just goodbye!
Written by Jon Rowland
4th Battalion, 32d Armor, Desert Storm