503 MP Personal Diary
Personal Diaries
This page is dedicated to the memories and stories of the 503d MP Company and its veterans. If you have content to contribute to this page, please contact the web manager listed below.
I was HHC, 3AD, Provost Marshall office from 8 June 1988 to 12 March 1989. At that time I took over command of the 503rd MP Company. When we returned from Desert Storm, I deactived the company on 31 October 1991. It was the finest assignment of my career.
Cpt. Victoria Testerman
My name is SGT Daryl S. Twigg. I was assigned to 1st Platoon, 503d MP Company from June 1986 – April 1988 in the rank of Pvt-Spc, and was first at Schloss Kaserne in Butzbch. We later moved to Ayers Kaserne, and lived above HHC 1st Bde. Our Platoon operations were in an office above the Crusader theater on Ayers Kaserne, The Platoon Sergeant was SSG Bonanno, Plt Leader was Lt Durett. Company Commander was CPT Brudvig, and the 1Sg was 1SG Siddel.
Our mission was support of 1st Bde ( Iron Bde) and security for the ADC at the Depot in Giessen. We were tasked with mission of providing a guard at the ADC's quarters just outside the main gate. This mission was shared with 3rd Plt, and was known as Security 2" duty.
Anyone who served with me in 1st Plt should remember my room mate SPC Williams ( The Wizard ). My Platoon Nick-Name was Capt Britt
Sgt Daryl S. Twiggs
This a neat srvice and web site. I saw the barracks of the 503rd MP Co where I spent 18 months of my youth ( August 1963-March 1965) during the peak of the cold war. I still recall the Church bells ringing throught Frankfurt when JFK was assasinated and " Operation Biglift".
Philip McGrath
Great site! Looking for anyone from the 2nd platoon 503rd MP Company in Gelnhause in the late 1970's Whatever happened to 1Lt James K. Rosa, SSG Roberson, SFC Huggins, roomate Smitty and all the others. Remember the great ski weeks and trips to Hoensfels and " Wildflicken" not to mention Graf in the winter. Its funny how you couldn't wait to get back to the world and yet now look back on those days as the " good ole days". I saw with a great amount of pride as the the 3rd AD kicked some Iragy butt in the gulf war and saw with a sad pride as the unit was deactivated. As far as I'm concerned, the 3rd is still in Germany filled with soldiers doing a great job and keeping us safe at the Fulda Gap.. Funny how things change.
Phil Frame
I just found this site yesterday and recognized a few of the names from my time period. I just read the comment by Steven Scott, about Hoopers, incident with the barricade and the ambulance, it made me bust out in laughter, that is one of the many memories L have thought about since then. I think the most vivid memory I have of my time in Germany, would be my first thanksgiving. Howie Smith won a turkey from the Drake bank raffle and Hooper's wife cooked it for us. Were all getting ready to go on duty and we held a small thanksgiving day dinner in our room, with about 15 guys/gals. We all took a moment and told each other what we were thankful for. Every thanksgiving I had Some of the other better memories involve crawling on all fours from the enlisted club and spending the night praying to the porcelian god with the other party goers. This site has brought back alot of Memories, most good, some I would rather forget. I hope everyone is doing well, and I;ll catch you Later. Jim.